Friday 4 April 2008

The world's first eyeball tattoo!

Tattoos are becoming an up and rising trend nowadays for many people, especially with reality TV shows such as Miami Ink and L.A. Ink. For some, tattooing is a form of expression while some just love art and want to show how much they appreciate it. So how far would you go to express yourself in terms of tattooing?

I was recently shown an article about the world's first eyeball tattoo. What came to my mind immediately was 'How is that even possible?!' well well, looks like it IS possible and the images I would say would haunt me for the rest of my life! I cannot imagine why would anyone want to take the risk of losing your eye just to express oneself. Madness!!

so anyways... here's presenting to you some of the images.

WARNING: Not for the faint-hearted / Squeamish readers! >_<

scroll down for a screen shot and link to the article

Taken from The Sun


Anonymous said...

omggggg.. that's so gross. some ppl are just crazy to do such things

.:decadence:. said...

haha tell me about it! haha he had perfect eyesight somemore! wasn't he afraid he'd go blind?!